Pay Equity in Denmark, Finland and Iceland - IWRA seminar #NordicFeminisms

IWRA organized a seminar on equal pay and pay equity, in cooperation with the Danish Women’s Council and NYTKIS in Finland, Thursday March 17th. The event was hosted by the NGO-CSW66.
Speakers were Astrid Elkjær Sørensen, historian of gender and labor history, Fatim Diarra, Chair of The Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations NYTKIS and Sonja Ýr Þorbergsdóttir, President of the Icelandic labor confederation BSRB. Tatjana Latinovic, President of IWRA, and Lise Johansen, Director of the Danish Women’s Council, participated in the panel discussion. Johanna Kantola, professor of gender studies at the University of Tampere, moderated the discussion.
A recording of the seminar can be seen here below: